Personal "Age of Majority"

Bialetti, my pal.

August 1st, 2023

Grown man. "Grown-ass man" of twenty years. Now feels an appropriate occasion to share; there are no more than two moments in daily mundanity that I cherish. The first is the moment that my tall caffettiera yields its initial pull of espresso, the second is the realisation that there is a bottle or can of beer in the fridge by my room. These two events occur at opposite ends of the waking day, but feel the closest to each other. When our time dilates, not really, but in effect, through sleep we see the morning and night next to each other. A micro-day for itself. The anxiety I experience in the wake of a night spent howlingly drunk is often quelled by the scent of the cherished Moka pot's brew. The anxiety I experience in the day succeeding excessive stimulant consumption is often quelled by cold and sedative lager.